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Your rights and responsibilities

Our responsibilities to you


The administrative staff will wear name badges.

The doctors’ and nurses’ consulting rooms will have name plates on the doors.


An appointment system operates. If there is an anticipated delay of 30 minutes running time, you will be kept informed.


We will endeavour to meet the requirements that you state for an appointment.

Routine appointments can be made a month in advance. If made early, you will have an opportunity to choose the doctor and time.

You will have access to a doctor on the same day, if you feel the medical need requires you are seen that day. You may request a home visit, if you are too ill to attend the surgery.


We try to answer the phone promptly. Doctors may be contacted via their nominated receptionist, who will pass on information.

Test results

If authorised by the doctor, results will be given out over the phone, after midday.

Repeat medication

Repeat prescriptions may be requested in writing, by completing one of our forms, online or through your nominated pharmacy. Repeat prescriptions may also be requested by letter and will be returned by post, providing a stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed.


Our practice information section contains complete information about the practice.

Health promotion

The practice will offer patients advice and information on steps they can take to promote good health and avoid illness; self help information, for the treatment of minor ailments.

Health records

You have the right to see your health records subject to any limitations in the law. These will be kept confidential at all times.


The practice will accept complaints in writing, in person and by phone. Please use our feedback and complaints triage.

Our aim is to investigate the complaint and contact you with some information/explanation within 2 days.

Your responsibilities to us

  • Please let us know if any of your details change, such as phone number or address by using our change personal details triage
  • Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment by using our cancel an appointment triage
  • Please attend promptly for your appointment
  • Please assess how soon you may need access to a doctor
  • Please make return appointments well in advance of the date you need to attend
  • As resources are limited, please do not request a consultation on the same day, unless you feel that you do need to be seen
  • You will be requested to give information to the reception staff. Please comply with this, to enable the doctor to assess the urgency
  • Please keep your call brief and avoid calling during peak morning times, for matters that could wait until later in the day
  • Please phone for results after midday
  • Please phone the designated prescription number:- 0161 864 0200
  • Remember, you are responsible for your own health and the health of your children. We will give you our professional help and advice; please act upon it
  • Please check with the practice manager if you wish to see them
  • Please supervise your children in the waiting area