Join our PPG

The patient participation group consists of patients
who wish to be involved in the local practice whilst
taking an active role in developing local health services.

The purpose of the group is to facilitate patients and
the practice staff working together to share ideas to
help improve the services offered at the practice.

The group will also have the responsibility of helping patients to take more responsibility for their own health, the group also offers an avenue for patients to have a say in how services are are planned, developed and evaluated to foster a good working relationship with the practice staff and GP’s.

 Help improve on the experience of attending the surgery
 Help the practice decide on overall service priorities
 Helps bring the attention of practice staff, the practice perspective of the level and standard of the services provided
 Acts as a channel is communicating to patients
o How changes in the NHS will affect service provision
o Information on the help available, support groups and networks
 Helps improve patients overall experience of the practice#

To join our PPG, please complete a PPG form and we will be in touch with our next meeting details